About Us

The concept of tourism existed since time immemorial when man travelled far and wide in pursuit of pleasure or spirituality. However the tourism boom began with the advent of faster modes of travel. Shipping was the first to come up followed by the locomotive, the motor car and finally the air plane. Each has contributed to travel immensely by cutting down the travel time drastically. The perceivable adverse effects have been so profound that it is today believed that Tourism is a major contributor to environmental degradation. This realization lead to the development of the concept of eco-tourism in 2002 and at Country Inn we are fully aware of our role in the environments that we operate in. From the hills of Bhimtal to the forests of Corbett and further to the lakes at Sattal we are leaving no stone unturned to ensure the lowest possible borrowings from Mother Nature. In fact in all our processes of hotel operations we keep a tab on the environmental implications of what we do.


The ideology of our vision is to continue to apply and set the highest standards of service quality and in that way justify and uphold the reputation that we have among the guests, partners, competitors and the wider community. We use and constantly introduce environmentally friendly technologies and processes in order to remain in balance with nature and also meet the needs of contemporary society. Tradition is a testament to our success but in the future we also want to embrace the changes that modern time brings and become more attractive in the market and more interesting to our guests and hospitality.


The mission of the Skytravels Goholidays is to put hospitality services on the highest level in order to satisfy the demands and expectations of guests. Our aim is to make the Skytravels Goholidays a place for encounters, business success, pleasant stay and memorable ceremonies.